We work in the Cloud

Customized EHR Integration

With the Avocet Integration Engine's comprehensive support of all of Epic's interface types, we eliminate complexity and ensure compatibility. This enables smooth data exchange between your systems and Epic.

HL7 Message Feed

Our Data Feed method is for transmitting healthcare data between different systems and applications within a healthcare environment. HL7, or Health Level Seven, defines a set of protocols and standards for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information. Through the HL7 Data Feed, healthcare organizations can securely transfer various types of data, including patient demographics, laboratory results, clinical notes, and administrative information. This streamlined communication enhances interoperability, facilitates care coordination, and supports efficient decision-making across the healthcare ecosystem

Epic API

EPIC@FHIR API Integration facilitates seamless communication and data exchange between the EPIC electronic health record (EHR) system and external applications through the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard.  Our integration empowers healthcare providers and organizations to securely access patient information, such as medical records, lab results, and treatment plans, in real-time. By leveraging FHIR's standardized data format, EPIC@FHIR API Integration streamlines interoperability, enhances care coordination, and promotes innovation in healthcare delivery.


Interface with EPIC Web Server APIs via HTTPS for  secure communication and data exchange between external applications and the EPIC electronic health record (EHR) system. Our interface ensures data confidentiality and integrity during transmission. By utilizing EPIC Web Server APIs, we  can access a wide range of functionalities within the EPIC EHR system, including patient information retrieval, appointment scheduling, and medical record updates. This integration facilitates seamless interoperability, empowers healthcare providers with real-time access to critical data, and enhances patient care delivery within the EPIC ecosystem

EPIC DataBases

Interfacing  EPIC Databases via HTTPS for secure access and interaction with the underlying databases of the EPIC electronic health record (EHR) system. Our interface ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged between external applications and EPIC databases. Through this integration, we can query, retrieve, and update patient records, clinical data, and other information stored within EPIC databases. This enables seamless interoperability, empowers healthcare providers with timely access to comprehensive patient data, and supports informed decision-making and personalized care delivery within the EPIC environment

We know the way

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